If your refund is taking longer than expected, check your refund status on your Google Payments account.
- If the status is "Refunded," you will see a credit on your form of payment.
- If the status of a subscription is "Canceled," the order was never charged and you will not see a charge on your payment method.
Although subscription cancellations can occur quickly, payment refunds can take between 7-10 business days.
If 7-10 business days have already elapsed, please check your bank account to verify the funds were originally deducted. You can also reach out to Google Play directly here.
I have a charge on my card and my account says my purchase is non-refundable
You may see a charge on your card or bank account while your Google Play account states that your purchase is "nonrefundable." This is due to Google’s new payment policy.
If you do not cancel your subscription before the second to last day of your trial, Google will initiate a charge. But don’t worry, the charge is only a pre-authorization.
This means that the amount has not yet been deducted from your account. As long as you cancel your trial in time, the payment will not be completed.
Your payment method will affect the amount of time the refund takes. Please contact your credit card or bank to ask about the process.
You can also reach out to Google Play’s Help Center for further information regarding your refund.
Please check out this article for instructions on how to cancel your trial with Google Play before it converts into a paid subscription.