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Lingokids Help Center
Subscriptions and Payments
Subscriptions and Payments
How can I cancel my Lingokids subscription?
Cancelation Process - Amazon
Cancelation Process - App Store
Cancelation Process - Google Play
Cancelation Process - Website Subscriptions
Refund process for Amazon Store
Refund Policy
I received an unwanted charge for Lingokids Plus
Refund process
I'm having trouble with my refund through Google Play
Google - Preauthorized charge
Resubscribe my Apple subscription
Resubscribe my Google Play subscription
Resubscribe subscription made through the website
Subscription management
Change Payment Plan - iOS
Change Payment Plan - Google
Update payment method - Apple Store
Update payment method - Google Play Store
Update payment method - Website
Billing Options
What currency will I be charged in?
What payment methods can I use?